Mixed Reality Masterclass:
Basiswissen für die Themen AR, VR, 3D und das Metaverse
Für wen?
Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem soliden Basiswissen rund um die Themen AR, VR und das Metaverse? Dann sind sie hier genau richtig. Ganz egal ob Großkonzern, mittelständischer Betrieb oder Kleinunternehmer, diese informative und sehr praxisnahe Schulung mit vielen Beispielen und Demonstrationen wird sie mit dem notwendigen Basiswissen ausstatten, um ihre eigene AR/VR Strategie zu entwickeln.
Wie wird die Schulung übermittelt?
Die Masterclass kann sowohl auf deutsch als auch auf Englisch stattfinden.
Gemäß ihren Wünschen, können wir den Workshop online (per Videokonferenz und ohne Reisekosten) oder auch bei ihnen vor Ort gestalten. Optional können wir auch ein Modul in einer 3D Umgebung (ohne die Notwendigkeit von VR Brillen) ergänzen.
If you prefer, the workshop can of course also be held in person at the location of your choice.
In your conference room or auditorium.
Via video conferencing.
In a virtual presentation space.
What topics are covered in the Masterclass?
1. Terminology
What is the Metaverse?
What is Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR)?
2. AR hardware
What devices are currently in the market? How do they work and differ from one another? What devices can we expect in the near and far future?
3. AR types and tools
What are the underlying computer vision technologies? How can AR be used today? What surfaces, objects, rooms can be visually recognised and overlaid with digital content?
4. How can AR be consumed?
– AR inside of on app
– AR on the web (webXR)
– Social Media AR (on TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat, Messenger, Facebook)
5. VR hardware
– What devices are currently in the market?
– How do they work and differ from one another?
– What devices can we expect in the near and far future?
6. VR types and tools
– 360 images/video
– immersive 3D content
7. Social VR and Metaverse platforms
– How can we meet, collaborate and work together virtually?
– What platform providers are out there?
– What different features do they offer?
– What is suitable for your needs?
8. Your brand, products and services in the Metaverse
– How to create a digital twin of a physical product?
– How to bring business services to the Metaverse?
– What options do I have to leverage AR/VR for my brand?
9. Market Analysis
– industry size and numbers for AR, VR and the Metaverse
10. What are the top technology companies offering in the space and what can we expect in the future?
– Apple
– Microsoft
– Meta
– Google
– Amazon
– Snap
– Others
11. Live demos
Multiple live demos, show cases, examples and case studies are included at various points throughout the presentation.
12. Questions and answers
Q&A and open discussion to address your company’s specific needs, market and industry.
Customisation of the Masterclass is possible to accommodate your needs
The above course content and agenda dynamically changes as the market progresses. It can be adjusted according to your specific requirements and focus. Please reach out to discuss.